A runny nose, a scratchy throat, and a sore head: almost everyone catches a cold during the cold season. Many home remedies help to get rid of them quickly – but some things have the opposite effect. If your cold gets better and then gets worse again, you should avoid the following mistakes. Important: If the cold lasts longer, you should seek medical advice. A simple cold is relatively harmless, but if you are careless or don’t treat it properly, you risk spending the whole fall or winter with a runny nose or spreading the illness. It is better to enjoy Bizzo Casino without such symptoms.
It’s almost impossible to avoid catching a cold in winter – so there are plenty of home remedies and tips to combat it: drinking a hot lemon, sweating out your cold in bed, or taking antibiotics straight away. But what helps when a cold won’t go away and what doesn’t? To get rid of the illness quickly, you should avoid the following eight mistakes when you have a cold.
- using nasal spray incorrectly
Your cold won’t go away? Nasal spray provides quick relief for a blocked nose – but you should still be careful and not use the spray too often or for too long. Once your mucous membranes have become accustomed to the active ingredients, the nasal mucous membranes can swell excessively as soon as you stop using the nasal spray.
If you then continue to use nasal spray, you risk developing a chronic cold. The irritated nasal mucous membranes can dry out and no longer fulfill their defensive function – which in turn opens the way for germs. You should therefore only use nasal sprays for a week at most. Even better: use a natural homemade nasal spray to get rid of colds quickly.
- mistake with colds: Blowing your nose vigorously and pulling up nasal mucus
A runny nose is unpleasant, as is constant sniffling and blowing your nose. But you have to get rid of the nasal mucus somehow. Blowing your nose violently is not helpful, however, as this can cause mucus to enter the sinuses. In the worst-case scenario, the germs spread in this way can cause sinusitis.
Pulling up the nasal mucus instead and swallowing it down the throat happens again and again, because the secretion also drains naturally into the throat, but conscious swallowing is not ideal. This is because the infectious secretion can potentially trigger pharyngitis or sore throat. It is better to dab the nasal secretions or blow your nose with little pressure.
- stay in bed to get rid of the cold quickly
Sleep sustainably: mattress, comforter, pillow, bed linen
It may be tempting, but you shouldn’t spend all your time in bed when you have a cold. If you have a cold, you often feel weak and tired – and therefore prefer to crawl into bed. However, this only helps the body to a limited extent with a simple cold.
It’s better to wrap up warm and go for a walk in between. This is good for the circulation and irritated nasal mucous membranes. However, it is important to note that this does not apply if you have a fever – bed rest is necessary and appropriate here.
- mistake when you have a cold: suppress sneezing
Sneezing is loud, unappetizing – and therefore unpleasant in public. However, we are not equipped with the sneeze reflex for fun. It helps to clear the nose of foreign bodies such as dust, viruses, and bacteria. If you suppress the sneeze, you direct the pressure that is supposed to expel the foreign bodies out of the body inwards.
This can create excess pressure in the ear, which is unpleasant. However, you should be careful when sneezing: don’t sneeze into the palms of your hands but into the crook of your arm. This way, you can protect others from flying viruses and bacteria or a contaminated handshake. This is particularly important during the cold season.
5 Sweating out a cold? Don’t exhaust yourself too early during sport
If your cold gets better and then gets worse again, it may be because you did strenuous exercise too soon. Because if you have a cold, you should go for a walk wrapped up tightly, but not do excessive sport.
In particular, strenuous endurance sports put additional strain on the body during a viral infection: when you have a cold, the immune system works harder than usual to fight the pathogens. The exertion of sport is another stress factor. If our immune system uses up its reserves for this, it can do less against the pathogens. The same applies to bacterial infections.