An effectively organized adaptation process of an employee saves the company from enormous losses. Businesses spend a lot of money on onboarding newcomers, but if something goes wrong, specialists leave during their probationary period and the whole costly process of hiring and adapting starts all over again. As a result, the process gets as unexpected as Casino Woo games.


But good onboarding isn’t just about cutting costs. The sooner employees get onboarded, the sooner they become valuable people who will fully recoup their investment and bring new money into the company. Moreover, the cooler you meet newcomers, the stronger your HR brand.

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How to Prepare for Onboarding

Working out a Strategy

Create a rookie training scenario: choose a format (face-to-face/part-time, audio/video/text), think through the logic and content of the materials, select mentors and explain what their purpose is.

Creating a Workplace

If the office workplace is a desk, a chair and a monitor, the remote workplace is a login, a password and sometimes technology. Make sure that the employee has all the necessary accesses in a convenient format and that from a technical point of view he is fully ready for work.

Preparing Materials

Write welcome letters, record a welcome video, develop an onboarding certificate. Think up and fill the welcome pack: it can contain merch with the company logo, books on self-development and nice little things that will brighten up the first working day. Or create a handbook – a corporate guide. It can describe the company’s success story and values. Do not hold back your imagination, creativity in onboarding is the most important thing.

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Explaining the Security Policy

A newcomer should understand what corporate information and trade secrets are, why he signs NDAs and how to keep information security.

What Mistakes Are Often Made During Adaptation

If the productivity of new employees is consistently falling or they are seriously thinking about leaving, it’s likely that mistakes were made in the adaptation process. This can not only affect the loyalty of employees, but also affect the company’s reputation. Here are the mistakes you should avoid when onboarding.

The Employee and the Company Don’t Match

Ideally the company and the employee should match not only professionally but also in spirit. If you hire a professional but he/she doesn’t share your corporate values it will be hard to communicate with him/her, and therefore, to organize work processes.

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HR Doesn’t Involve the Newcomer in Corporate Culture

In order for an employee to join the team and work faster, introduce him/her to the corporate culture. If the newcomer doesn’t attend local events, doesn’t understand corporate slang and memes in general chat, he/she feels like an outsider, and the work turns into mechanical labor.

No Preparation for Onboarding

It often happens that HR meets the newcomer and immediately hands him/her over to the department. No onboarding takes place, and the employee is forced to ask for materials on their own, distracting their colleagues. Don’t do it that way! It’s important to prepare a plan ahead of time and determine who the newcomer can go to.


No Welcome Events

The new employee came out, but no one noticed. HR with a stony face shows who’s in charge, while colleagues say hello and continue working. The newcomer may be hurt by this: he is excited and wants to feel supported by the company. The task of HR is to make going to work a pleasant experience.

Onboarding Doesn’t Involve Other Departments

The best way to get the information to the newcomer is to organize a meeting where each department will briefly talk about themselves and about when it’s worth contacting their employees. For example, have the technicians tell you that they will always help you install the right software or clean your computer from viruses.

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The Newcomer Has No Mentor and No Adaptation Sheet

The employee feels lost and doesn’t know what he is doing and where he is going. In such cases, the mentor and the adaptation list help to figure it out. The mentor guides and supports the newcomer, and the adaptation plan shows the “points B” the employee is going to.


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