Almost no one posts to the feeds anymore. Why not? Because they don’t work. But the most savvy bloggers and companies have realized something important: Now it’s the time for video content, especially for digital businesses, like Netflix or Bizzo Casino. That’s why they’re posting videos to Reels, videos to TikTok, and videos to Shorts. Today that’s the best way to generate quality traffic that really brings in leads. So why are videos the best tool for marketing campaigns on social media?

Creating Video Content

No matter what anyone says, platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are the most popular among advanced audiences. Lately, we’ve been focusing more on creating videos for Shorts. YouTube has replaced television for us for a long time now because there are a lot of channels on absolutely different topics.

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Another important factor is the portrait of the audience. And it’s as wide as possible on YouTube. There are two-year-old kids who watch cartoons with their parents and adults who watch fishing videos. There is also a wide range of interests: interviews, entertainment channels with humor, content for gamers, advice for housewives, scientific content, professional content, technical content, and much more.


And if anyone thinks there’s a poor audience sitting on YouTube, that’s not true. We, for example, sell apartments and houses through YouTube Shorts, and totally different houses, and we also do deals in the B2B segment. There are also sales with smaller checks, but in very large volumes, such as plumbing. The video potential at Shorts is enormous. There, absolutely anyone who promotes their personal brand, as well as any company that promotes their product or service, can find their audience and convert views into sales with big checks.

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As for Instagram. ordinary posts in the form of photos have already lost their importance, most are expressed exclusively through video content. And it doesn’t matter what format the video will be – live or expert. Reels give a lot of coverage and bring in new subscribers. Previously, promotion on Instagram consisted mostly of posts and targeting. Now it won’t work, even if you set up targeting in a roundabout way, but videos work well in Reels.

Cheap Traffic

Video is cheaper than other tools. We have a lot of clients, we know their advertising budgets and what tools they use. So video works better than other promotional tools in terms of conversion. It doesn’t work immediately, it takes a couple of months to rock the channels. But video will bring much more quality traffic than contextual advertising, any mailing list or even more advertising on a billboard or on the radio. And the more traffic, the more leads, it’s simple.

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What Videos Get Views

Your videos are always generating traffic. A distinct advantage that’s not immediately obvious to many people. The fact is that the video you put out on Rils, Shorts, or TikTok works for as long as it’s been on the site.


Let’s compare it to contextual advertising on search networks. You put a budget into it and traffic comes to you. You stop pouring money into it – the traffic stops. Video works differently. It brings traffic from the first day of publication on a site. Traffic may stop in 2 cases. The first case is if you delete the video. But in this case, it’s your fault. The second case is when a site is removed from the Internet. But this is generally impossible.

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A Great Brand Promotion Tool

Video reflects the transparency of processes. Nothing reveals a personal brand or company as much as video content. No post, no article, no case study or photo report will convey the emotion that video conveys.


If you, as a personal brand, promote yourself through video, the audience feels your energy through your material presentation and gestures, sees your professionalism through the construction of your offers and the information you broadcast. Through video, it’s easier to reveal yourself and your character, to show who you are and what your values are.


If you promote a company or a brand via video, you can show the inner workings of all the processes, your team, office, partners, cases and even clients. You will be absolutely transparent and understandable for the audience, which will help them quickly make a decision in your favor, rather than in favor of competitors.

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