Babies have a lot of new, confusing things happening to them. They’re no longer living in their cozy little womb, where you could go shopping for “essential” foods like mom’s placenta and dad’s umbilical cord. It’s so important to make sure that they get the right food at the right time for the first few years of their lives. For healthy nutrition, you can find some great snacks for babies on


  1. Bioavailability of food: That means how easy or hard a baby’s body is to absorb its nutrients. So, certain foods that are very “hearty” may be difficult for a baby to digest; this is called indigestible fiber. Certain foods that are very “light” may be easy for a baby to digest; this is called soluble fiber.
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  1. Baby’s birth weight: Babies at birth are around 4-5 lbs, so they will be absorbing a lot of calories through the placenta. As they grow and add more weight, their body will continue to absorb calories from food until their weight is 16 to 18 lbs. (At this time (usually in the second year of life), babies typically gain around 2-3 lbs per month.) During this stage, if a baby is underweight, he or she may not be getting enough nutrients to grow. If a baby is overweight, he or she may be able to absorb too many calories and become obese later on in childhood.
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  1. Baby’s age: A newborn baby will absorb primarily fats, and a lot of fat from foods. Fats are easy to absorb; this is the easy part for newborns. As babies grow older, they’ll be able to absorb carbohydrates and proteins more efficiently. This is the hard part for babies.


  1. Non-organic or organic food: Organic food is better for babies because it does not contain pesticides that can hurt their health in the long run. Also, non-organic food can be too difficult for a baby to digest and may lack nutrients that he or she needs during his or her first few years of life. This is why I eat a lot of organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible!
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  1. Acidic or alkaline food: Babies in their first year are very sensitive to the acidity and alkalinity of foods. The acidity can create stomach problems in babies and the alkalinity can cause problems with their bones.


  1. Foods with preservatives: Babies are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses and other illnesses than adults. Food preservatives can help prevent this from happening, and help you avoid stomach issues by improving the quality of your baby’s food.



These are just some tips that can help you to properly prepare your baby’s diet. As long as your baby is healthy and growing well, these tips can make all the difference in his or her health.

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Feeding a baby is serious business! Take it very seriously and do not take for granted the amazing body of a newborn baby. This first year will be the most important time of your infant’s life, so don’t ever think that he or she is too small to be important in your life, whether they’re still inside you or already out on their own.


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